Research Service Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions:

These Terms and Conditions apply to all our services directly or indirectly, and may be amended from time to time. By availing services from Aakaar Biotechnologies Private Limited, the client acknowledges to have read, understood and agree to the Terms and Conditions set out below.

A. Regarding sample submission:

1. The client has to provide accurate and relevant information about the sample being submitted. The source, amount submitted, concentration, solubility, hazard status, storage conditions, disposal or other necessary information pertaining to the study has to be provided. The client solely assumes the responsibility of the sample received which are not fit for testing or study. Deliberately withholding important information regarding will be seen as violation of terms and conditions, and be dealt as per company’s policy
2. The client is required to provide as much amount of sample as required by our researcher for the study. Aakaar Biotech will not be responsible for failed experiments/ studies due to inadequate sample. Sufficient sample is required if the study demands a statistical analysis, as the experiments have to be repeated at least for concordant data. Any left over sample will be returned to the client.
3.The client is expected to submit the sample strictly on the stipulated time and date assigned for submission. For any delay, postpone or cancellation in this regard has to be promptly conveyed to Aakaar Biotech, before a new date or relevant procedure apply. Please do not walk in with the sample at a convenient time after you have missed your schedule time and date, without prior intimation. In such a case Aakaar Biotech will not be responsible for the loss of sample.
4. If the sample is submitted at personal end, Aakaar Biotech is only obliged to respond to queries and concerns of the person whom we identify as our client. Under no circumstances will Aakaar Biotech be liable to respond, reply, make representations or provide clarifications to Client’s research supervisor, associated institute, funding agencies or company, via email, telephone or in person. Therefore, it is client’s responsibility to obtain relevant permission from wherever they may have liabilities towards.

B. Regarding Results:

1. All the results are provided in a soft copy to the client. The client is expected to archive the data safely in their computer or other reliable storage systems. Aakaar Biotech is only liable to store the data for access till one year from the date of completion of the experiments. Post this Aakaar Biotech will not assume responsibility for loss of data from our servers. Result data will only shared be with the registered client and not to any third party, whatsoever.
2. What is provided:
    a. Images/ Graphs/ Excel sheets and it’s Raw data related to the study.
    b. Explaining the results to the client in detail or personal basis.
    c. List of Chemicals used (with catalogue number and company) and major Instruments used (Model number and company).
    d. Brief protocol of the experiments conducted.
    e. Relevant references related to experimental setup if the experiments were totally planned by Aakaar Biotech team.
3. What is NOT provided:
   a. Interpretation, statistical analysis, and representation of data for manuscripts, power point etc. Kindly contact us for these services should you require them.
   b. Write up for the purpose of inclusion in manuscript, research publication or thesis.
   c. Prior art search, Discussion, Conclusion etc. related to study.
4. Delays:
Although Aakaar Biotech is committed to stick to timelines established with the clients, client discretion is expected in delays in providing the required results, as outcomes of biological experiments are unpredictable. In any event of delays from Aakaar Biotech, clients will be duly informed, and expected to provide sufficient time to complete the task. Please refer to the Refund policies section in case a refund is sought to that effect.

C. Regarding Payment

1. The client is required to make payment of a minimum 100% of the quoted price as advance and security on the day of sample submission/ by first day of the study.
2. The client is required to clear all the payment before the final results are provided. Aakaar Biotech reserves the right to withhold the result data by the time payment is completely settled

D. Regarding Refund:

Following terms and conditions are applicable in case of requests for refund of payment-
a. No refund will be issued if the client abruptly withdraws the order and choose not to proceed further with the work, once the experimental procedure has begun or relevant arrangements for those have been made, or the experiments have been performed.
b. Complete refund will be made in case the experiment/ study is not at all performed, and the client has informed well in advance. This timeline is restricted to 2 days of the payment.
c. For experiments performed and results were not obtained at all, in such a case partial refund will be made after deducting the charges of the amenities and chemicals were used. In case of negative results refund will not be provided.
d. For studies that involve multiple objectives, and order is withdrawn in middle of it, where all of the objectives have not been completed, partial refund will be made for the incomplete objectives only. In such a case, results of the completed objectives will be provided. 
e. Claims for refund based on ‘results not as expected/ correct’ will not be entertained, unless the client presents documentary evidence from references from similar previous published work that the negative result is a performance error.

E. Regarding Confidentiality of data, Plagiarism and IPR:

1. All the client data is stored safely and with full confidentiality. The data is only shared with the client when the work is completed or as and when requested. No the person or representative will be provided with the data unless authorised in written with signature by the client.
2. After the results have been handed over to the client Aakaar Biotech assumes no responsibility of data loss or misuse from the client’s end.
3. Aakaar Biotech strictly prohibits plagiarism. To ensure that this is curbed, we store all the documents, lab notes and raw related to the experiments, and may be availed if the client requires it to furnish it for an investigation regarding the originality of the data. This will be handed over on personal request supplemented with documentary evidence of its needs.
4. Aakaar Biotech does not claim any IPRs over the projects which are paid by the clients. Aakaar Biotech frees its clients of all the IPR related obligations for the studies, experiments and findings performed at Aakaar Biotech laboratory, and client do not have any IPR related obligation to ABPL in terms of royalty, patents or copyrights.

Payment Form